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First time patients:

Health History

Upon entering the office you will be required to complete a health history intake form. This will include details of your current health and overall condition. If there are any questions while filling out your paperwork you can ask the front desk for assistance and they will be more than gladly to help.


After Dr. Jessica Lemus, D.C. has reviewed your health history, she will meet with you to discuss in detail your health concerns. At this time the doctor will determine if you can be treated and how you can be best treated through Chiropractic care.


The thorough examination will consist of a neurological, orthopedic, postural and physical exam.  


After the doctor has completed a thorough examination to assess the patient’s condition, she will then decide if x-rays and/or other imaging are deemed necessary.

Report of Findings

Before beginning treatment, the doctor will go over the findings of the examinations performed, answer any questions you may have, and a treatment plan will be proposed that includes information such as your diagnosis, amount, and type of care being recommended, as well as an outline of financial cost possibly associated.


We are more than gladly to verify your insurance coverage by contacting your insurance company and calling you back with your benefit details. Please call us at (310) 448 – 3499.

No Insurance:

If your insurance does not cover chiropractic benefits or you do not have insurance you can still receive chiropractic care. We can work with you to arrange a flexible payment program that fits your budget. Many patients pay directly for their care, especially as they discover that chiropractic care is extremely cost-effective and affordable.


We accept auto accident cases that result in back pain, headaches, or other symptoms, which can be treated through chiropractic care.